以下是一些使用"What do you mean"的情境和用法示例: 1.询问具体含义 当对方的表达不明确或容易产生误解时,可以用"What do you mean"来请求进一步解释。 - Example: - A: "I'll see you later." - B: "What do you mean? Do you mean tonight or some other time?" 2.澄清模糊的陈述 当某人的...
Merging law schools, merging firms: What does it mean? - ABA JournalPaul LippeAba Journal
Mand training involves moving from stimulus control to motivating operation control.Tactsare a verbal operant where the speaker labels things in the environment. Tacts occur when a non-verbal stimulus is presented which becomes a discriminative stimulus (Sd) via discrimination training. What does mand...
Whether you're interested in history, science or culture, there's something for everyone on Reference.
英国鸟类学信托基金会估计,英国每年发生的鸟类撞击玻璃幕墙事件数量高达1亿起,其中三分之一死亡。我国目前尚没有相关统计数据,但关于鸟类撞击玻璃幕墙伤亡的新闻报道的确不少。北京猛禽救助中心近几年收治的猛禽当中,明确因撞击玻璃幕墙等建筑受伤的多达50只,均为国家一级、二级重点保护野生动物。 城市建设中采用...
HXD3C/HXD3D型机车半自动过分相是指,当机车接近分相区时,将司控器手柄回零,按下过分相按钮SB67(SB68),机车控制系统自动断主断,待机车通过过分相区后,机车控制系统重新检测到网压后,自动合主断, A. 正确 B. 错误 查看完整题目与答案 HXD3C/HXD3D型机车车钩及缓冲装置作用吸收机车对列车进行连挂时及列...
What does (Kuchigotae) mean in Japanese? English Translation back answer More meanings for 口答え (Kuchigotae) retortnoun レトルト,答え,回答,解答,反問 back talknoun 口答え talking backnoun 口答え,口返答 Find more words! Another word forOpposite ofMeaning ofRhymes withSentences withFind ...
What does the woman mean? A. She can't make it because she broke her chest. B. She can't make it because she's already eaten out. C. She can't make it because she's short of money.
刷刷题APP(shuashuati.com)是专业的大学生刷题搜题拍题答疑工具,刷刷题提供What does the underlined word “spin” in paragraph 4 probably mean?A.Practice.B.Priority.C.Investigation.D.Interpretation.的答案解析,刷刷题为用户提供专业的考试题库练习。一分钟将考试
施工封锁前,通过施工地点的最后一趟列车前进方向为不大于( )‰的上坡道时,列车调度员可根据施工负责人的请求,在调度命令中注明该次列车通过施工地点后即可开工(按自动闭塞法行车时可安排施工路用列车跟踪该次列车进入区间)。