Decreased time to market.Scrum aims to release products and their features in predictable incrementsusing well-defined sprints. The entire product does not need to be done for features to be released. Sprints are designed to add shippable features at every increment. Complete products made up of...
We know what you’re thinking: All projects involve meetings! Why is this one so special? And you’d be right, normally. However, within Scrum, meetings are even more crucial than in other product management methodologies. What purpose does this kind of meeting serve? And how do Scrum meet...
Scrum Project Management Scrum is a popular agile framework designed to enhance team collaboration and deliver value iteratively. Scrum breaks down project work into manageable units called sprints, usually lasting between one to four weeks. Each sprint begins with a planning session where the team s...
This is why in Scrum, time is divided up into sprints. These are typically two-week boxes of time in which to accomplish tasks or a project. Drilling down, sprints themselves are divided up into measured time boxes, with sprint planning meetings and daily stand-ups also having strict runni...
What is Agile Project Management on a Scrum Project?TechWell Contributor
What is the future of project management? Let’s look ahead and see what the next 10 years will bring for project management software, jobs, and the role itself. Does project management have a future? If you’re asking yourself if project management has a future, then I think you might ...
What does a Scrum master do? A Scrum master leads a scrum. Scrums are daily meetings conducted by Agile, self-organizing and cross-functional teams that enable the team to convene, share progress and plan for the work ahead. Some teams have a fixed Scrum master, while others alternate the...
As a Scrum Master, your goal is to ensure the Agile team adheres to the Agile methodology of project management.
Scrum artifacts must be frequently inspected and progress towards a goal to detect undesirable variances. Inspection in Scrum can be realized by scrum activities such as: Use of a common Scrum board and other information to make clear of the current status of the project for everyone Collection ...
What is scrum? Scrum is a process or framework for project management and is part of theAgile methodology, which differs from the previous waterfall methodology. Scrum is an approach to doing work in a team a little at a time with an emphasis on experimentation and evaluation throughout. ...