: sclerosis of the wall of a vein and especially of its inner coats. — called alsovenofibrosis. What does Phlebosclerosis mean in medical terms? Phlebosclerosis refers tothe thickening and hardening of the venous wall. What causes Phlebosclerosis? Portal-vein phlebosclerosis is caused bycongestiv...
ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE ©American College of Medical Genetics "What does it mean?": Uncertainties in understanding results of chromosomal microarray testing Marian Reiff, PhD, MSc1, Barbara A. Bernhardt, MS, CGC1, Surabhi Mulchandani, MS, CGC2, Danielle Soucier, MBE1, Diana Cornell, BA1,...
is the term used to describe sexual appetite or sex drive. Not only does it vary from person to person, but it can also change from day to day. Factors like your emotional state, hormone levels, and physical health can all affect your sex drive. With that said, there is no such thing...
With regard to the ASIA syndrome, prevalence is higher in subjects that carry the gene HLA-DRB1. It should be noted that this is the same HLA (human leukocyte antigen) which was found to be present in those who had developed an autoimmune disease following vaccine administration. So, maybe ...
As the use of vaccines, silicone implants, etc., is widespread, what does this mean in terms of public health? First of all, vaccines are very widespread, and I would like to clarify that I am definitely not against vaccines! Vaccines are the best medical development that humankind has had...
Although this timeframe might not fully capture long-term healthcare utilization behaviors, it provides a snapshot of immediate healthcare access among people with disabilities, reflecting their current healthcare needs.The assessment of this outcome was based on the following question: “In the past...
Although this timeframe might not fully capture long-term healthcare utilization behaviors, it provides a snapshot of immediate healthcare access among people with disabilities, reflecting their current healthcare needs.The assessment of this outcome was based on the following question: “In the past...
Were mean derived sleep discrepancy values used to account for repeated measurements? Was a repeated measures or mixed-design ANOVA used to account for repeated measurements? Was a multilevel model used to account for repeated measurements? Were data pooled to deal with repeated measures? Other met...
: Th2-oriented profile of male offspring T cells present in women with systemic sclerosis and reactive with maternal major histocompatibility complex antigens. Arthritis Rheum 2002, 46:445–450. Article PubMed CAS Google Scholar Matzinger P: The danger model: a renewed sense of self. Science ...
multiple sclerosis chronic painReducing doses of active drugs and combining with placebo treatment could also reduce side effects, addiction potential and cost.Bottom LineA placebo (or dummy pill) is an inactive substance, typically a tablet, capsule or other dose form that does not contain an ac...