Satan is initially placed as the central character in what is unmistakably an epic poem; placing him in a heroic context; but as the story expands, he receives less focus in favor of Adam and Eve, who are the protagonists of the second half....
What influenced ''Angels in America''? What is Abra looking for in East of Eden? What does the car symbolize in ''East of Eden''? What is Samuel's own healed loss in East of Eden? What is the purpose of Paradise Lost? What influenced The Faerie Queene?
What does Mammon symbolize? Mammon symbolizes greed, material wealth, and the moral dangers of prioritizing wealth over spiritual values. 14 Who is Satan? Satan is a major figure in Abrahamic religions, often seen as the embodiment of evil, temptation, and rebellion against God. 10 Are there ...
Satan’srebelheroimageinparadiselostInthe"Bible",themeaningofSatanis“toobstruct,oppose,"meaningthatobstructthewilloftheLordGod,andheisalsoGod'senemy.Itisvariationofangleandbbroughtmankinddisaster.ThesymbolofSatanisdragon.And I saw an angel come down...
(1) Allegory(寓言) In simple words, an allegory is a story or description in which the characters and events symbolize some deeper underlying meaning, and serve to spread moral teaching. An allegory has a double meaning. It has a primary meaning, or surface meaning, and a secondary meaning...
Jesus rode into Jerusalem on what we now callPalm Sunday; palm branches, which symbolize triumph or victory, were strewn in Jesus’ path, as He rode into the city. He rode into town on a humble donkey, fulfilling the prophecy inZechariah 9:9: “Rejoice greatly, Daughter Zion! Shout, Dau...
Iago: Do, with like timorous accent and dire yell / As when, by night and negligence, the fire / Is spied in populous cities. Roderigo: What, ho, Brabantio! Signior Brabantio, ho! From Shakespeare's Othello; Act 1, Scene 1. Cliffs...
1What does the cormorant (bird) symbolize in mythology? How did Peter I of Russia come to power? What can you tell me about Kwanzaa? What is the Alma-Ata declaration? I've heard that in some countries, everyone has to sign up for the military between high school and college. Is that...
What does the land symbolize in The Good Earth? What is devastating the land in The Grapes of Wrath? What is the central conflict of The Good Earth? What do Hulga/Joy and Manley Pointer have in common in Good Country People? What caused Rameck to ask his...
What type of leader is Satan in Paradise Lost? What does the devil represent in Young Goodman Brown? What was Satan's name in Heaven in Paradise Lost? What does the title ''The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven'' demonstrate?