噻啶 [word]thialdine 噻嗯 [word]thianthrene 噻吨 [word]thiaxanthene 噻青 [word]thiacyanine 噻唑 [word]thiazole 噻喃 [word]thiapyran 噻亭 [word]thetin 噻嗪 [word]thiazine Chinese Characters with pinyinsāi 塞 stop; fill/squeeze in
Chinese dictionary Show pinyin 1 n.match; game; competition; contest gōng kāi sài yú míng rì jìn xíng 公开赛于明日进行。 The open competition starts tomorrow. nǐ men cān jiā tuán tǐ sài ma 你们参加团体赛吗? Do you participate in team competition? yǒu hěn duō guān zhòng ...
广西新闻网记者 滨田和幸 报道 “厕 Definition & Meaning - What does 厕 mean in Chinese?”厕(cè)是一个汉字,它有着多重含义和用法。在汉语中,厕可以指代厕所或者茅厕,是人们排泄的地方。此外,厕还可以用来形容某些地方肮脏、恶臭或者不洁净。在古代,厕也可以指代一种特定的建筑结构或者地方。在现代社会中...
bisaishuliangdezengjia,gengshitishenglegediyundongchangguandeliyonglv。 01月22日,失联少年疑在缅甸被控制,...What does 沟厕 mean in Chinese | HanBook Chinese Di... 受gao空低cao东移ying响,16日he南省you分散xing阵雨、雷阵yu,雨liang分布bu均,zhong西部ju部中yu或大yu,并ban有短shi强降...
凤凰网02月07日讯“...What does 沟厕 mean in Chinese _ HanBook Chinese Di...”02月07日沟厕在汉语中是一个常见的词汇,它指的是一种特殊的厕所设施。在中国的一些地区,特别是农村地区,沟厕是一种常见的厕所形式。它通常是一个简单的建筑结构,由一条长长的沟渠和一排坐便器组成。沟厕的设计原理是...
01月22日,专家称孕育会使女性变得更聪明,...What does 沟厕 mean in Chinese | HanBook Chinese Di..., 钟zi然严zhong违反dang的政zhi纪律、组织ji律、lian洁纪lv和生huo纪律,构成yan重职wu违法bing涉嫌shou贿、gu意泄lu国家mi密犯zui,且zai党的shi八大hou不收lian、不shou手,xing质严zhong,影...
What does SAI mean in special education?SAI in Special Education:Special education is a process through which it is ensured that the needs of the students with disabilities are being addressed and met. The IDEA has listed the 13 disabilities to qualify for the special education service....
【小题5 】 Characters of the Chinese people/ W hat does it mean to be a Chinese(答 -)【分析】本文介绍了中国人的性格,就是:热爱国家和家庭而且是勤劳和有创造力的。【小题1】根据“At the same time, about 1/3 of foreigners describe the Chinese as hard-working and creative people.”可知,...
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What does it mean to be a Chinese? Accor ding to a survey, more than 40% of Chinese people believe the Chinese love the country and their family. At the same time, about 1/3 of foreigners describe the Chinese as hard-workin g and creative people.From 1931 to 1945, millions of ...