But, suddenly, the meagre knowledge that I had acquired in that particular seminar needed urgently to be summoned from the deepest recesses of my memory. The topic: Jungle Warfare. What did that ‘Reg’ (regular army officer) say again? I remember him well. He was very impressive – to ...
What does goo ga ga mean? (childish)Onomatopoeic imitation of the sound of a baby who has not yet learned to speak. Who made goo goo gaga? andPorter Moore of Standard Candy Companyfor inventing the Goo Goo in 1912 and paving the way for future combination candy bars to come. ...
What does it mean when you put a dryer sheet in your mailbox? There's actually a very good reason and your postal worker may thank you for it.
Here’s hoping everyone has found a way to get in some two-up saddle time with their tandem partners over the past few months as we endure a few non-tandem-friendly weeks of winter temps, and even heading to Jekyll Island doesn’t get us far enough south to avoid tights and long-slee...
JAN 20, 2025 UPDATE The California family whose house - whose whole neighborhood - just burned down faces an overwhelming tragedy that no one not in their shoes can really understand. Multiplied by many thousands, the immensity of their anguish is incalculable on any personal scale. It will be...
I was pretty shocked by the number of women who responded, even though the question was clearly meant for men. I was even more shocked by the number of women who took offense at the very thought of a woman caring about what men thought of her appearance. While nice in theory, I don'...
ve opened their eyes to this system of control have taken the red pill, a term yarvin started using back in 2007, long before it got watered down to generally mean supporting trump. to truly be red-pilled, you have to understand the workings of the cathedral. and the way conserva...
Zero gravity has got nothing on this mean little pen. Buy @ Amazon.com / $ via:Amazon / ATECH 83. ATECH Multifunction Pen 7 in 1 Tech Tool Pen When you need more in a pen than just ink. Buy @ Amazon.com / $ via:Amazon / Rite In The Rain ...
When one considers the hardships Hepburn experienced during her childhood, it underscores the incredible nature of the feats she was able to accomplish during her adult life. The Belgian-born superstar was forced to live under German occupation when Hitler's army invaded during her family vacation ...
4My conscience is clear, but that does not make me innocent. It is the Lord who judges me. 5Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time; wait until the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of the heart. At that time each ...