the Tandems East Tandem Weekend and the Alabama Tandem Weekend last held in 2019, the Tennessee Tandem Rally last held in 2012 had all dropped by the wayside, reducing our annual tandem cycling events from four or five to just two as of late. ...
stood on their heads and jumped up on a box. They completed races, joined rock bands, sported bikinis, founded companies, sat for tattoos and concluded that age doesn’t define ability and intimidating does not mean impossible.
emergency vehicles and vehicle instrumentation No Fly Zone picnic insect repeller Our EU Branch April 25, 2024 PowerStream car battery questions and answers Battery Chargers for any chemistry Q: Can I use a car battery for deep cycling, for example in a solar energy system, or for trolling?SL...
The problem is that, right now, it seems reversed in the cycling industry. You get lucky if one is assembled properly with no problems as opposed to getting unlucky and getting a bad one. I guess there are different scales of it too, "leaks air" is really unlucky whereas a fork with ...
what does that have to do with that or that? what does anything have to do with anything. what’s important what really matters what’s relevant and what is mindless filler well well well what’s the difference. what day is it? a PhD in pancake makeup. structural spackle at the journe...
The relative abundance was estimated using the mean depth associated with the bacterial contigs. Complete genomic sequences were found for the genera Maribacter (Flavobacteriaceae), Mycobacterium (Mycobacteriaceae), Paracoccus (Rhodobacteraceae), Pseudomonas (Pseudomonadaceae), and Sphingorhabdus (...
The maximum number of reported rider falls from a horse in 12 months was 20, with a mean of less than one during this time. However, less than half (46.8%; n = 595) would record a horse-related injury or illness if an on-line reporting data base was available and (89.2%; n = ...