WHAT DOES GUCCI MEAN? Gucci has developed over the years as a symbol of abundance representing not only the luxury fashion house, but also as a form of slang. Its most common vernacular usage is to describe something that is “doing wel’”, and it can be seen in tracks by various esta...
But when pressed by a reporter that the administration's approach hasn’t worked so far, Harris said: “In the Middle East, and in particular in that region, it’s never been easy. That doesn’t mean we give up.” The line of questioning holds more ...
doi:10.1007/s00482-017-0234-xNeustadt, K.Tech Univ DresdenDeckert, S.Tech Univ DresdenKopkow, C.Preissler, A.Bosse, B.Funke, C.Jacobi, L.Mattenklodt, P.Nagel, B.Seidel, P.Sittl, R.Steffen, E.Sabatowski, R.Schmitt, J.Kaiser, U.Hsch GesundheitSpringer NatureDer Schmerz...
What does intercalary mean in literature? From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. An intercalary chapter (also called an inner chapter, inserted chapter, or interchapter) isa chapter in a novel or novella that is relevant to the theme, but does not involve the main characters or further the plo...
“What’s even in there? Flat shoes for the subway? Her lunch pail? I mean, Greg, it’s monstrous,” Tom said in a scene. “It’s gargantuan. You can take it camping. You could slide it across the floor after a bank job.” ...
Radbruch L, Sabatowski R, Loick G, Jonen-Thielemann I, Elsner F, Hörmann EA: MIDOS – validation of a minimal documentation system for palliative medicine. Schmerz. 2000, 14: 231-239. 10.1007/s004820070028. [article in German] Article Google Scholar Mayring P: Qualitative content analys...
What Does The Number Next To The Fire Emoji Mean?That's the number of days you've been on said "snapstreak." It references actual snaps, though, not "chats," so if you use Snapchat as you would Facebook Messenger or AIM back in the day, your snapstreak number w...
that although only 12% of patients (aged 15-24) presented with a psychological complaint, 50% displayed a degree of psychological distress and22%had significant levels of suicidal ideation. These questions may be tough to ask and to deal with, but that does not mean they should not be ...
Schubert I, Ihle P, Sabatowski R. Increase in opiate prescription in Germany between 2000 and 2010: a study based on insurance data. Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2013;110:45–51. Google Scholar Werber A, Marschall U, L’hoest HW, Moradi B, Schiltenwolf M. Opioid therapy in the treatment of ...
This paper aims to compare the accuracy of financial ratios, tax arrears and annual report submission delays for the prediction of bank loan defaults. To achieve this, 12 variables from these three domains are used, while the study applies a longitudinal