·RMTReal-Money Trading ·ROGReally Old Git ·RPFReal Person Fiction ·RTSReal Time Strategy ·RVRRealm Versus Realm (MMORPG) ·SFRSmiling For Real ·SJGRShit Just Got Real ·SUPERVery, really ·SYRSSee You Real Soon ·TARFUThings Are Really Fouled Up ...
All these suggestions just to give WP some ideas to renerate some alternative incomes. Thus they wont have to be too harsh on Kachues rates but apparently whatever WP does, people will rage. I mean sure WP apparently maybe can improve the rates, remove all junks tha...
Overall, I don't think that devs who are involved in botting and RMT are not good enough to see that there is an untapped market for botting in multiple games. If it was possible to create a productive bot there they would do it. So yes, it's possible to bot anything but probably ...
IMIncredible Miracle(gaming clan) IMIntegration Manager IMInfectious Mononucleosis IMInvestment Memorandum IMIndian Meridian(Oklahoma) IMInteractive Metronome(developmental aid) IMInventory Manager IMInitial Margin(investing) IMInstruction Memorandum(US DOI) ...
·IMRI Mean, Really ·IRDCI Really Don't Care ·IRDKI Really Don't Know ·IRLIn Real Life ·IRLYI Really Like You ·JONESINGCraving, wanting really badly ·KIRKeepin' It Real ·KIRFKeeping It Real Fake ·LEGITReal, legal ·LIRLLaughing In Real Life ...
In this paper, we take a holistic view which sees the technical, social and policy challenges of the IoT as being intertwined. 2.3. Development of Standards for the Future IoT By standards we mean guidelines for "how to do" the activities which must be done at all levels in designing, ...