RINO Definitions include: acronym for "Republican in name only". right-winger Definitions include: in the United States, a member of the Republican party. left-winger Definitions include: in the United States, a member of the Democratic party. ...
Ci appelliamo alla comunità internazionale, ai governi nazionali e alle Nazioni Unite affinché assicurino il rispetto della Risoluzione del Consiglio di Sicurezza numero 2139, di cui la Russia è parte, che prevede che “Tutte le parti cessino immediatamente tutti gli attacchi contro i civil...
RINO Definitions include: acronym for "Republican in name only". POTUS Definitions include: acronym for "president of the United States". pinko Definitions include: a communist. Sec Def Definitions include: "Secretary of Defense". (show 16 more) Other terms relating to 'under the influence of ...
Of course, the trick becomes: how does one do this? Here again, I’ll turn to Jim’s insights, as he recently wrote, “In order to persuade others, we first must avoid putting them on the defensive with disrespect and insult. If you can do that, you’re already halfway home.”...
"Does this run-on sentence mean that Mike Pence shall open only the ballots that he wants? Or does he have to open if there's more than one slate from a state -- how does he know which ones to open?" Green posed. "None of those questions are answered by the face of the statute...
Your rhetorical scenario of listening to an idiot ranting also applies to you; you could have just fucked off, but you felt compelled to rant in an idiotic way toward this site. I guess that was only possible under the same freedoms you want abolished. Lastly, what the fuck does Fox ...