and the future. This section points back to the fall of Satan and to the birth and ascension of Jesus. The passage concludes with an event in the middle of the tribulation period. Revelation 13 will describe the situation prompting the woman of Revelation 12:1–6 to flee into the ...
We must offer up our lives willingly, overcoming sin and death by the blood of the Lamb, the word of our own testimony, and not loving our own lives (Revelation 12:11). When we willingly choose to give up our lives for Jesus and the Gospel, the power of death over us is eternally...
What does Revelation 17:14 mean? The angel speaking to John continues to explain John's earlier vision, and the symbols it contained (Revelation 17:1–6). The ten kings and the beast, the head of the Revived Roman Empire, will unite to fight against Jesus, the Lamb. But they wage ...
Similarly, there are those in 1 Corinthians 11 whom Paul says have died because they took the Lord’s Supper in an unworthy manner. Blatant sin against God is a serious offense. It does not mean that we lose our salvation, but we might lose our physical life. To preserve our life, rep...
What does the expression Full Gospel mean? Does it imply Catholics have only half the gospel? Answer: Don’t worry. We have the entire gospel. A church describing itself as Full Gospel is probably Pentecostal. The emergence of Pentecostalism at the turn of the century saw the r...
What does Heaven look like? What does the Bible say? The Bible provides several vivid descriptions of Heaven, particularly in the Book of Revelation, although these descriptions are often symbolic and open to interpretation. According to Revelation chapters 21 and 22, Heaven, or the New Jerusalem...
To the Jewish mind, this metaphor had particular application to the Gentile world - a world that had not received the grace of God through the revelation of the Torah, the prophets, and the written revelation of God. Even today, we know that untold millions still dwell in deep darkness...
TEXT C The war on smoking, now five decades old and counting, is one of the nation’s greatest public health success stories - but not for everyone. As a whole, the country has made amazing progress. In 1964, four in ten adults in the US smoked; today fewer than two in ten do. ...
The book of Revelation is an imagistic feast; a fantasy writer's treasure trove, full of beauty and horror. Some people would say that this beast in John’s vision has already come and gone — Hitler caused hundreds of thousands of Jews and countless oth
research is perceived as misguided or a dead end. While skepticism and inquiry are integral parts of the scientific process, sometimes a scientist does have a revelation, which leads to a paradigm shift. The weight of scientific and public resistance to the new paradigm can sometimes provoke ...