It means that, because of Jesus, we’ve been saved from sin and get the grand prize of eternal life, thanks be to God. Photo credit: ©Getty Images/kieferpix What Does “Redeemed” Mean? Redeemed has a few definitions. In a secular sense, redeemed means to get or win back, to fre...
REDEEMER. Again, from Websters 1847, redeemer is 'one who redeems; the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ." Redeemed is 'to purchase back; to liberate or rescue from captivity or bondage; to rescue and deliver from the bondage of sin and the penalties of God's violated law, by obedience...
This notion of being redeemed carries with it the idea of transformation and renewal, where past errors are washed away, allowing for a renewed sense of purpose and direction. In contrast, atonement often carries with it a sense of duty or obligation to address the harm caused by one's ...
Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us. Gal. 3:13 How is it that the One who authored every last curse in the Bible did so knowing full well that He would bear them all upon Himself? Why would He who knew no sin be judged and condemned by His ...
What does the Old Testament word shaddai mean, and is there a message in this name for the Church? Let's explore the meaning of this name from the Bible and how we can apply it to our relationship with God today: El Shaddai—Shades of Meaning? There is considerable debate surrounding th...
This acceptance of Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior must be confessed out loud before God the Father. It does not have to be done in a church. This can happen to anyone at anytime at any place. It can be done in the privacy of one’s own bedroom. Here are three specific ver...
What does the New Testament mean by the word “baptism”? It at least means a ritual involving water, but scriptures also seem to apply the word to an act of the Holy Spirit. Is the ritual performed by Christians also an act of the Holy Spirit in some sense? Or are these two differe...
There will also be music in the new earth. We read that the redeemed will express their thanks and joy in song. Early Writings, p. 288 In the same manner the angels brought the harps, and Jesus presented them also to the saints. The commanding angels first struck the note, and then ...
What does pure mean in the Bible? Real purity comes as a result of believing that the Lord Jesus died in your place to ransom you from impurity. Pure living increases as you work together with the Holy Spirit to live as a redeemed child of God. Puritydescribes who you are and what you...
Jesus knows what parts of my life I consider to be a “mess”, but without HIM those messy parts would never be redeemed. I’m struggling today, friends. Focused on my mess and wishing the Messiah would just take it away or make it perfectly whole in Him. But I know that he IS th...