What does the Bible say about sex? When talking to your daughter about sexuality, quoting verse after verse about sex from the Bible might not be the best option. But you also don’t want your conversations to be devoid of biblical teaching aboutsexual activity. Consider infusing these thought...
What is the purpose of the Book of Esther? What does Gilead mean in the Bible? Who is Ahasuerus in the Book of Esther? Who is Hegai in the Book of Esther? Who is the king in the Book of Esther? Why is the Book of Esther in the Bible? Who is Xerxes in the Book of Esther?
What is a summary of the Book of Matthew in the Bible?Question:What is a summary of the book of Matthew in the Bible?The Book of Matthew:Matthew is the first book in the New Testament, and Matthew himself was one of the chosen apostles of Jesus of Nazareth. Matthew was a Jewish tax...
as individuals, then have we not already prematurely answered the question ‘what is the Bible?’ with the response appropriate to ‘what does the Bible mean?’ Could, in fact, what the Bible means to a particular individual, community, or culture be completely different than, or even at od...
Does God have a plan for humans? The answer is clearly YES! The Bible teaches: 6 But one testified in a certain place, saying: "What is man that You are mindful of him, Or the son of man that You take care of him? 7 You have made him a little lower than the angels; ...
What does his words have to say about this? Do you know? 197 times, roughly, in the K.J.V., and 245 times, roughly, in most Orthodox bibles our Father’s loving words regarding the treatment of the poor is expressed as only a loving God can!
” But maybe we can take an extra step, because I know for a fact that there are people out there in the world who, if told they are loved, would wonder who exactly loves them. It might mean so much more to have a real human being say to them, “I love you. I value you. I...
The first word,βιβλος,(biblos)from which we get words like Bible, means book. It is record or book, and the commentators note the various ways the word is used, often pointing out that aβιβλοςdoes not have to be long. It can be very short and the word is even ...
"In life, it's not about what you do; it's about what you see - out of which you do." - Father Tom
I’ll go all crazy on you and also post that passage as worded by Eugene Peterson in his paraphrase of the Bible, The Message: “Watch the way you talk. Let nothing foul or dirty come out of your mouth. Say only what helps, each word a gift. Don’t grieve God. Don’t break his...