What does the Quran say about atheism? Quranic Literature: The Quran of Islam is believed to literally be the word of God, passed to the prophet Muhammad about 1400 years ago. For this reason, the text itself is also held to be holy and should be cared for and protected. ...
are incorrect spellings, you might see some people spell them that way tho
What does “was no more” mean? I do not know. The narrative about Enoch continues in the New Testament; there, Enoch is referred to as a prophet and implies that he never died. This plays into Enoch being one of the prophets returning to earth in the last days. The logic behind tha...
Chile, which had been seen as the poster child of stable governance, consensus-based politics and sound macroeconomic management, saw the largest demonstrations since the return of democracy, literally millions of people taking to the
Even if you don’t know much Arabic you have probably noticed that a lot of Arabic names contain the words “Al”. Even a lot of non-Arab Muslims have these two letters in their name. So what does this word mean that is seeminlgy in every Arab name?
“The Mighty One”), assimilated with the Egyptian goddess Isis and the Roman goddesses Diana, deity of water and fertility, and Venus, embodied by the evening star and representing spiritual and erotic love. Allat, al-Uzza and Manat are all mentioned by name in the Quran, implying that ...
What doesassalamu alaikummean? Assalamu alaikumliterally means“peace be upon you.” It is used as a greeting within Muslim communities. Where does assalamu alaikum come from? medium Assalamu alaikumcomes from the Arabic wordsalaam, which means “peace.”Salaamis derived from the same root that ...
When men achieve the fruits of their material success, they often become aware of an emptiness--an incompleteness--in their lives;the hollowness of having, but not raising, children, of not making true commitments to them. Which, sadly, does not mean that they weren't capable of it. —Wi...
‘nice’ to gays does not mean that people like Harris can use the same language which was used to attack them in the past on the scapegoat of the week. And if we allow this kind of discourse to go on, then all groups will only have themselves to blame when their behaviour is ...
- Does Jesus' (peace be upon him) Return Mean That Muhammad (peace be upon him) Is Not The Final Prophet? to the Refuting Miscellaneous Arguments section. November 13, 2009: Today I added the following article... - Examining C.S. Lewis' Trilemma to the General Articles on Christianity ...