This verse might be a shock to some who are not familiar with it. Paul says that he fills up, for the Church, those things that are wanting or lacking in the sufferings of Christ. Christ’s suffering was perfect and of infinite value; so what does this mean? What St. Paul means is...
Formally, the transformation by faith is immediate, but does not automatically result in changed thinking or behavior. The world, the flesh, and the devil still operate in their usual insidious way, but the power of each has been rendered inoperative ( Rom 6:6 ; Heb 2:14 ) for those ...
Only this mystery could reconcile man to God. In this is contained every mystery. All the world can understand the sacrifice of the cross. This is the door into the secrets hidden in the Father’s loving heart. Does mankind want to read this story? No, i...
Speculation is that the moralization of Zoroastrianism influenced a similar process in Hebrew religion. Influence or not, the process occurred, though the God of the Old Testament always retained far too much personality to be rendered as consistently good as we find when Greek philosophers begin ...
Then that would mean, this dude is an Anti-Semite, by technicality and nature. You might rebutt but let’s slap the facts in your own black-&-white, shall we? * You acknowledged the fact that “Yeshu-WA” is a Nazarene ( I need to add WA because HE IS MY LORD & SAVIOR ). ...
t make money the guiding principle for what you have or do or your soul happiness, free yourself from placing a price on everything you do and have, try to see the value on everything and not the dollar price after all the world of spirit does not have a dollar price on the actual...