[249] Canada Paradoxical insomnia, psychophysiological insomnia, good sleepers 70 O'Brien et al. [250] USA Treatment-seeking overwieght/obese participants 63 Okifuji & Hare [251] USA Patients with fibromyalgia 75 Okun et al. [252] USA Pregnant women 104 Orta et al. [253] Chile Female ...
This symposium resulted in the formation of a unified picture of the FGIDs from the medical and functional approach to the psychological and reflexive theories with the psychophysiological resolutions in between. The overview of one of the FGIDs, the irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in this article,...
Donaldson GW, Chapman CR, Nakamura Y et al (2003) Pain and the defense response: structural equation modeling reveals a coordinated psychophysiological response to increasing painful stimulation. Pain 102:97–108. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0304-3959(02)00351-2 Article PubMed Google Scholar Donnel...
For her and others there are thirteen psychophysiological characteristics often associated with being in passionate love [23] (p. 86). These characteristics are “(1) thinking that the beloved is unique; (2) paying attention to the positive qualities of the beloved”; (3) feelings of “...
It was suggested by literature that psychophysiological stress may play a part in the precipitation of acute PACG because IOP can be affected by the emotional state (Shily, 1987). We might need to consider PACG as partly a systemic disease instead of only looking at the eyeballs in future ...
Van Hooren B, Peake JM. Do We Need a Cool-Down After Exercise? A Narrative Review of the Psychophysiological Effects and the Effects on Performance, Injuries and the Long-Term Adaptive Response. Sports Med. 2018;48(7):1575-1595.
When subjects incorrectly identified voices of other as self, they displayed, nonetheless, the characteristic diminished psychophysiological response that accompanied correct recognition of others' (p. ). Interestingly, another pair of researchers found that the same discrepancies between what...
While many concepts have been developed in theoretical terms, studies using new psychophysiological measurements and neuroimaging have not yet verified many of the theories. While much research appears to confirm what science already knows, we are reminded that correlation is not causation. The research...
MODMean Optical Density MODMoney-Of-the-Day MODMayor's Office on Disability(San Francisco, CA) MODMinistry of Overseas Development(United Kingdom) MODMiscellaneous Obligation Document MODMaritime Operations Division(Australia) MODMesial Occlusal Distal ...
He viewed the induction of hypnosis as setting into motion psychophysiological changes that lead to a decrease in ego participation and to increasingly complex automatisms. Thus, in addition to evidence that Bernheim viewed hypnosis as an altered state of awareness, one finds evidence of his ...