towritten after. bothpsorp.s.are correct. thepostscriptdates back to an age when letters were handwritten or typed out on a typewriter. psstill appears inmodern correspondencelikeemails, and online chats. you can express multiple afterthoughts by usingpps,ppps, and so on. what does ps mean...
What does PS mean? PS is the abbreviation of “postscript,” which refers to an additional thought, comment, or piece of information added at the end of a letter or email after the main message. The abbreviation comes from the Latin phrase post scriptum, meaning “written after.” What is...
We have examples of some famous people who used PS in their letters. John Lennon wrote a letter to a groupie who had been mean about Yoko Ono. After a letter extolling Yoko’s virtue, he ended it with a rude comment about the groupie. Another great example comes from Ronald Reagan. He...
towritten after. bothpsorp.s.are correct. thepostscriptdates back to an age when letters were handwritten or typed out on a typewriter. psstill appears inmodern correspondencelikeemails, and online chats. you can express multiple afterthoughts by usingpps,ppps, and so on. what does ps mean...
PSWhat Does PS Mean in a Text?home▸search p▸PSThe Quick Answer The abbreviation PS usually means "Post Script." More Detail...It can also mean "Photoshop," "PlayStation," and "Pointless Sh*t." Post Script PS is widely used with the meaning "Post Script." It comes from the ...
In today’s post, We will explore the What Does PS Mean in Shoes? What Does PS Mean in Shoes? The “PS” acronym stands for “PreSchool”. This size is usually ideal for young kids between 3 to 5 years. This size comes before the GS size which is grade school. These are small ...
What Does PSS Mean? Conclusion on PS Meaning What Does PS Stand For? PS is an abbreviation for “postscript” in English. This word comes from the Latin word postscriptum. Post means “after” and scriptum means “written.” Together, it means “written after.” In certain situations, PS...
it’s usually used to call attention to a call to action or to provide an intriguing bit of bonus information, like a testimonial or a special offer. If you want to write a postscript in an email, theP.S.should technically come as it does in a handwritten letter, after your digital ...
What does PS mean in time? A picosecond is an SI unit of time equal to 10−12 or 1⁄1 000 000 000 000 (one trillionth) of a second. That is one trillionth, or one millionth of one millionth of a second, or 0.000 000 000 001 seconds. A picosecond is to one second as one...
Pspspsps is something you might have seen almost anywhere, including memes, social media, and websites. So, just what does pspspsps mean?Pspspsps is used to mimic the sound one might use to get a cat's attention. Pspspsps origins are unknown, although we all believe it's been ...