What body system does prostate cancer affect?Prostate Cancer:Prostate cancer is a term used to describe a number of cancers that begin in the prostate gland. The most common type of prostate cancer are adenocarcinomas, which begin in the gland cells....
Your doctor will likely do some lab tests to see if you have an underlying condition that may be causing it. If they suspect Peyronie's disease, they'll likely refer you to a urologist, who is a doctor specializing in conditions that affect your penis and urinary system. Can Peyronie's ...
Judge Rosenberg dismissed large portions of the multidistrict litigation claims that the heartburn-aiding drug Zantac allegedly causes cancer. Not to worry; this does not mean that you don’t have a claim. In fact, plaintiffs’ lawyers believe a large majority of the claims will be moving for...
BPH andtestosterone.Testosterone is the main sex hormone in men and people assigned male at birth. This hormone acts on cells of the prostate and leads to the production of growth factors that make the prostate get bigger. As evidence of this effect, when men with prostate cancer take medicin...
What body system does pancreatic cancer affect?Cancer:Cancer is a disease characterized by uncontrolled cell growth. During cancer, cells accumulate mutations that allow them to proceed through the cell cycle too quickly, which causes them to accumulate more mutations that ultimately results in them ...
Promotion of any hereditary cancer progression is also of concern. Prostate cancer, testicular cancer, colorectal cancer and colon cancer are relevant as the groin is the first invaded by motorcycle ELF EMF radiation. Melatonin disruption can affect cancer-growth inhibition at locations anywhere through...
We provide additional cover for carcinoma in situ of the breast (treated by surgery) and low grade prostate cancer (requiring treatment). This means if you meet our definitions we'll pay out 50% of your original amount of cover up to a maximum of £25,000. This benefit does not affe...
How does a prostate massage feel? The massage therapy is somewhat similar to the digital rectal exam (DRE). Urologists may use DREs when necessary to examine the prostate for potential health issues, including the detection of lumps or signs of prostate cancer in specific cases. Additionally, a...
Tell your healthcare provider if you have a family history of cancer, especially breast, ovarian, or prostate cancer. Tell your provider about any medical conditions you have and medicines you are currently taking. Your provider will examine your breasts for lumps, dimpled, red, or peeling skin...
Prostate cancer can vary in severity. The earlier prostate cancer is diagnosed, the more effectively it can be treated, increasing your chance of survival. A lot of the time, prostate cancer will grow slowly and will only affect the prostate, not causing serious harm. In these cases, cancer...