What does the word Redivivus mean? :brought back to life : reborn—used postpositively. What does the word Alterate mean? 1 :the act or process of altering something The dressneeds alteration for a proper fit. : the state of being altered. What is the best definition of alliteration? Fu...
20But any prophet who claims to give a message from another god or who falsely claims to speak for me must die.' 21You may wonder, 'How will we know whether the prophecy is from the LORD or not?' 22If the prophet predicts something in the LORD's name and it does not happen, the...
Because hypocrisy had been added to all other sins; [793] because there had not been proper repentance; [794] because of the half-heartedness of the Jewish proselytes; because of improper marriages, and other evil customs; [795] and because of the gross dissoluteness of certain cities. [...
For it is written: And David slew them from the 'neshef' to the evening 'ereb of the next day,14 and does not this mean, from the 'morning dawn' to the evening? — No. [It means:] from the [one] eventide to the [next] eventide. If so, let him write: From neshef to nes...
) A new convert or proselyte; -- a name given by the early Christians, and still given by the Roman Catholics, to such as have recently embraced the Christian faith, and been admitted to baptism, esp. to converts from heathenism or Judaism. Neophyte (n.) A novice; a tyro; a ...