claimed to have memories from age 2 or younger, with 893 people claiming memories from age 1 or younger(6641名参与者中有38.6%的人声称拥有2岁或更小的记忆,893人声称拥有1岁或更小的记忆)”可以推断出,划线句意为“这一现象在中年和年长的成年人中尤为普遍”,所以划线词“prevalent”意为“普遍的”...
甲公司与乙银行签订一份500万元的借款合同,由丙公司提供保证担保,因甲公司到期不能还款,乙银行便要求丙公司承担保证责任。丙公司拒绝承担保证责任,乙银行便诉至法院。法院判决,由丙公司承担500万元及其利息的保证责任。丙公司承担保证责任后,便向甲公司进行追偿。下列表述正确的是哪一选项 ...
If in the transport system context the ecosystem view is prevalent in the present and future state of the world, the public procurer must consider which supply chain is able to deliver the service or product – for instance a public transport service contract, a highway concession, or a nove...
These grammatical constructions form the essential and elementary functions of both writing and speaking the English language. While grammar, syntax, and the ability to communicate have been prevalent and crucial for society's prosperity, it was in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries that ...
Too many teacher trainers and educators base their approach to ELT on personal experience, and on the prevalent “received wisdom” about what and how to teach. For thirty years now, ELT orthodoxy has required teachers to use a coursebook to guide students through a “General English” course ...
Using pleonasm in this instance is useful to convey that the character just witnessed something remarkable. It’s common to accidentally find pleonasms throughout your writing since they are so prevalent in spoken English. That’s why it is important to proofread before you submit. Grammarly’s ...
Not obsolete, but "relevance" is certainly more prevalent. 10 Is one more formal than the other? Both are formal, but "relevance" is more commonly used in American English. 9 What's the adjective form of "relevancy"? The adjective for both "relevance" and "relevancy" is "relevant." 9...
Generative artificial intelligence translation (GenAIT) brings convenience yet also imposes severe challenges on the dissemination of knowledge. The respective (dis)advantages of GenAIT and human translation (HT), and the ways to promote their effective
It is borne by150,338 people. This last name is most prevalent in England, where it is borne by 1,878 people, or 1 in 29,669. What does D mean in Italian names? The prefix "di" (meaning "of" or "from") is often attached to an given name to form a patronym. di Benedetto,...
Another prevalent and significant kind of register is theregister of deeds. A local government–generally at the county, town or state level–maintains a list of allreal estatedeedsand other land titles. The register of deeds will be used in conjunction with agrantor-granteeindex that lists the...