The “prevailing party” means the party determined by the arbitrator(s) or court, as the case may be, to have most nearly prevailed, even if such party did not prevail in all matters, not necessarily the one in whose favor a judgment is rendered. For purposes of this § 13.14, the t...
In California, the trial court judge will consider the following factors, as well as others, when deciding how to rule on a motion to stay execution: whether the judge deems that you are likely to prevail on appeal, your flight risk, whether you seem to be a danger to the community, ho...
What does pernicious mean in the Bible? 1 :highly injurious or destructive: deadly. 2 archaic : wicked. What does it mean when something is benign? Benign refers toa condition, tumor, or growth that is not cancerous. This means that it does not spread to other parts of the body. It ...
42K Learn the strict liability crime definition. See examples of strict liability offenses in criminal law, and learn about the controversy surrounding strict liability. Related to this QuestionWhat are the elements required to prevail in a claim for negligence? 1. What are the element...
What does the author mean by “the self-reinforcing fertility rate”? Because children from one-child families want only one child themselves, therefore the fertility rate of China will be lower and lower in the years to come. 3) In what ways will an ageing population influence China?
How does an action potential spread across a neuron? What two factors determine how quickly an action potential will travel? Explain how action potentials work and the phases that are involved. What is the difference between action potential and graded potential? What is the all-or-non law?
A mutual clause allows both parties to recover attorneys’ fees if they prevail in a legal dispute. Can one-way attorney fee clauses be enforced? It depends on the jurisdiction; some states, like California, may convert such clauses to mutual for fairness. What expenses do attorney fee cla...
When no one does anything to fight crime in our neighborhood, the problem only seems to perpetuate. What does it mean to perpetuate a stereotype? vb trto cause to continue or prevail. What is meant by perpetuity? A perpetuity isa type of annuity that lasts forever, into perpetuity. The st...
To be a dominant quality of a place or situation; to prevail, predominate, rule. Silence reigned. Rule To decide or declare authoritatively or judicially; decree The judges ruled that the answer was acceptable. The police ruled the death a homicide. The law was ruled unconstitutional. Reign...
Several legal precedents and elements have been established to allow claims by those who have been harmed by a breach of fiduciary duty. Jurisdictions differ but the following four elements are generally essential if a plaintiff is to prevail in a breach of fiduciary duty claim. A Duty Existed ...