PPU What does PPU mean? PPU is an acronym common on reselling sites like Craigslist that stands for pending pick up. It is used to notate that while an item has been promised to a buyer, if they do not pick it up it will be put up for sale again....
Can you go into a little more detail on what you mean exactly by 100% off-the-shelf components? Does this mean literally must be found in a frys or radio shack? I’m assuming online orders are okay here (even the 65816 can only be found online). If online counts as off-the-shelf...
In what ways did grazing affect the streamflow and nutrient dynamics in the Buha River? How does grazing impact the nutrient cycles in the Buha River Basin? How does the Soil And Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model simulate the water cycle in the Buha River Basin? How did overland flow ...
allowing for accurate time-based filtering and sorting of data within the PivotTable. This improvement does not yet allow for proper date support outside of the PivotTable (i.e., in a formula).
(2021) submits that on UBER, reduced operational transparency eliminates bias at the ride request stage but does not cure post-acceptance racial and LGBT biases. While such concealment suggestions give platform providers approximate guidance, flashbacking to the early time of the Internet era, they...
Since the preference for a place is the result of multiple sensory interactions, serene, which does not mean absolute silence but no noise, can be achieved by birdsong or other natural elements combined [27]. This natural serenity often works as a good experience for relaxing and mental health...