What does code of ethics mean? Right or Wrong: Ethics describes how humans determine what is right and wrong. Interpretations of right and wrong differ between groups and individuals, so finding common ground is important to maintain cohesion. While humans may never fully agree, establishing a co...
Postconventional moral reasoning involves considering broad ethical principles such as human rights. (a) True (b) False. Answer true or false: Social deviance is always criminal. Answer true or false: Kant grounds his morality in free will (autonomy)...
Kohlberg identified three distinct levels of moral reasoning:preconventional, conventional, and postconventional. Each level has two sub-stages. What is an example of moral intuition? Moral intuition Some argue that our moral ideas must be founded, ultimately, on intuitions. For Example: You probabl...
Carol Gilligan was a psychologist who earned a bachelor's degree in literature, a master's degree in clinical psychology, and a Ph.D. in social psychology at Harvard University. While Gilligan worked as a research assistant under Lawrence Kohlberg's guidance, she began focusing on the moral di...
To understand this topic, he developed a theory of moral development that includes three levels:preconventional, conventional, and postconventional. What are characteristics of socialization? The self, the core of personality, develops out of the child's interaction with others. In the socialisation ...
What are the social psychological theories of human development? What are the sociological theories of human development? Who/what are the agents of socialization? More questions: How do gender and race impact socialization? How does socialization differ through the lifespan? ...