What kind of business does bernard company do? It's a dog. Why does the jessica advised bernard not to look down up trifles? Because a journey of a thousand miles begins on the foot. Which department is bernardi? Y? What is its responsibility? He is in the hr department. The new res...
“postscriptum,” which translates to written after. what does ps mean in chat? thepsalso makes regular appearances in social media chats (otherwise known asinstant messaging). these fast-moving, real-time conversations can lead participants to forget to share information. thepsgives them a way...
it’s usually used to call attention to a call to action or to provide an intriguing bit of bonus information, like a testimonial or a special offer. If you want to write a postscript in an email, theP.S.should technically come as it does in a handwritten letter, after your digital ...
At work, we often hear others talking about reports. But what is reporting and what does reporting mean exactly? There are multiple types of reporting. Can you tell the difference? In this article, I would like to introduce what reporting is and give you some examples to clarify the key c...
—Cynthia Macdonald,The Huffington Post, 31 May 2011 The nounpromposalis the most common use, but there is a sprinkling of verb use showing up as well, which is a promising sign for the word's longevity. “One night I brought her to my house,” he said. “Earlier, I had set up ...
What Does PS mean? PS is an abbreviation for postscript. Postscript comes from the Latin wordpostscriptum, which means “written after.” So, a postscript is an extra thought added to a letter that comes after the letter has been completed. (Rarely, a postscript can be added to other ...
we should be both perseverant and hardworking. Whatever we do, there are always two possibilities: success and failure. We should never lose heart when we come across difficulties or when we are confronted with failure. Instead, we should learn from our experience, build up our con...
What Does PSS Mean? Sometimes, you have more than one afterthought to add to a letter. You might see an additional postscript written as PSS or PPS. The correct form is PPS, which means post-postscript, or after the postscript. PSS would mean postscript script, or after writing writing...
What does GG mean here?Ask Question Asked 2 years, 2 months ago Modified 2 years, 2 months ago Viewed 4k times 2 Saw this FB post about this unfortunate taxi accident in HK: However I have never heard the term GG before and was wondering if its supposed to be shorthand for something...
Require regular follow-up Subject to manipulation Risk of incentivizing wrongly What Does KPI Mean? A KPI is a key performance indicator: data that has been collected, analyzed, and summarized to help decision-making in a business. KPIs may be a single calculation or value that summarizes a pe...