What does FHA stand for in terms of the New Deal?Question:What does FHA stand for in terms of the New Deal?New Deal:The U.S. entered a period of economic decline in the 1930s. Known as the 'Great Depression,' it saw millions of people unemployed, homeless, and hungry. The New Dea...
What does the Republican Party stand for? What is individualism in political science? What is a Democrat? What is the ANC's political ideology? What are the different positions of Classical Liberals and Classical Socialists toward the question of income inequality in the United States?
For our personally curated news links see below… Mal Please email links, news, articles, ideas, tips, whatever (no files please) – whatfinger@proton.me Samuel Adams: “It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people’...
China’s Communist Congress is now out of the way, and it could be a new dawn of liberalism for Bitcoin as well as a lengthen on its ban. 24345Total views 525Total shares There was much speculation that China’s snap decision tofirstly ban ICOs, and then take ahard-line approach to B...
What student of reportage does not know, or have framed on their study wall, the great manifesto on independent publishing by the heroic John Milton, “Areopagitica”? Written way back in 1644, its vivid defence of unfettered publication has been rightly described as “among history’s most inf...
Many modern political systems have codified legal rights that cannot be violated by the government, police, or military. In economic policies, limited government is frequently associated with the ideas of classical liberalism and laissez-faire economics. ...
greater economic and social progress can be made when government regulation is minimized, government spending and taxes are reduced, and the government doesn't have strict control over the economy. Neoliberalism does not oppose all government intervention. However, it does wish to see it limited to...
Communism deprives no man of the power to appropriate the products of society; all that it does is to deprive him of the power to subjugate the labor of others by means of such appropriations. It has been objected that upon the abolition of private property, all work will cease, and un...
I’ll say it again: Jeremy Corbyn’s tolerance of antisemitism, agnosticism on Brexit and overall bad leadership does not magically erase the past sins of the Labour centrists, who presided over the broken old political consensus which finally received its coup-de-grace with today’s general el...
Political LiberalismSocioeconomic RightsJudicial ReviewAlongside the regulative and integrative functions we theorize for constitutions, a function of legitimation perhaps deserves a focus of its own. By legitimatiodoi:10.5771/2193-7869-2015-3-183Frank I. Michelman...