What does owning an LLC mean? Suppose you’re a business owner or manager in the United States looking to safeguard your assets from personal responsibility while maintaining a partnership’s convenience, adaptability, and tax benefits. In that case, you might consider setting up an LLC. Members...
What does owning an LLC mean? Suppose you’re a business owner or manager in the United States looking to safeguard your assets from personal responsibility while maintaining a partnership’s convenience, adaptability, and tax benefits. In that case, you might consider setting up an LLC. Members...
Your LLC EIN Number is used for banking, taxes, + more. There's 3 ways to apply for your LLC's EIN. Online, by mail, or by fax.
You may want to tackle something right away and “need” something to be done immediately, but that does not mean your partner is in the headspace for it at the time. This also goes for theurgencyof communication, especially in those with anxious attachment. The feeling of urgency can cause...
This does not mean every choice will be the easiest. Quite the opposite is frequently the case. But once you make the right choice you will have this internal peace that will sustain, and empower, you through the actions that decision requires. ...
What both these things have in common is betrayal. Someone feels betrayed, that their trust has been broken. Women know what I mean. Sometimes I have to explain to the guys. Has your wife ever taken some food or beer you were saving and given it to her friend you don’t really like...
What does this ruling mean moving forward in the safety and health field? Notably, both the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (“OSHA”) and the Mine Safety and Health Administration (“MSHA”) issued new rules in the previous year. OSHA...
Judson Pierce:And you mentioned extensions and I had a question about that. What does it mean when you talk about Medicare extenders or tax extenders or extensions under the Longshore Act? Can you elaborate on that a little bit? Amy Peters:The Medicare extenders ...
AsRobert Jewett, Solo Attorney at Robert Jewett Law PLLC, explains, embracingClio’s client intake solutionimproved more than just his intake process. “…I was striving for efficiency when it came to the intake process,” Jewett said. “How could I move a potential client to an engaged clie...
then it is logical to believe that the federal government will never allow marijuana use within the military ranks. Legalizing marijuana does not necessarily mean they have to allow service members to use it. There would likely still be a strictly enforced ...