Marshas been in its perceived backward spin of retrograde since December 6, 2024. As it moved through Leo and Cancer, the planet of action and expression turned inward and invited us to slow down, reconsider our desires, and reconnect with our life force. A deeply introspective time,Mars ret...
What Is My Mars Sign? What Does Mars Mean in Astrology? What Your Mars Sign Means in Your Birth Chart Mars as a "Sex Planet" Mars as a Ruling Planet Your Mars Return Mars Retrograde Found your Mars sign? Here’s what it means: What Is My Mars Sign?
What happens in a reverse fault?Geologic Faults:The tectonic shifts that take place on our planet everyday typically go without much notice by the population. Only major shifts, called faults, are drastic enough to register on the surface of our planet, sometimes resulting in earthquakes or muds...
If you have a retrograde planet in your Natal Chart, look up the retrograde planet in question on the planetary symbols page and adopt the positive attributes of that planet. Retrograde Motion is symbolized by the glyph Rx. WHAT DOES 'OUT OF ITS SHADOW MEAN'? Retrograde motion pulls back ...
Beginning March 15, 2025, Mercury retrograde commences in Aries.Mercuryis our planet of communication, thought, mental processing, and learning. It rules the mind, our narratives, stories, and patterns of thinking. Mercury is the voice in our heads that we are in conversation with day in and...
So what does it mean to have Mercury in retrograde? As we prepare for yet another few weeks of the winged messenger flying in reverse, I'll try to explain what principles this represents - and how it might manifest in our lives.
Where does the energy come from that constantly radiates from the sun? What does the term 'once in a blue moon' mean? What are Gesell's stages of development? An undiscovered planet, many light-years from Earth, has one moon which has a nearly circular periodic orbit. If the distance fr...
What does Pluto in Scorpio retrograde mean?Well, Pluto retrograde reaches an altogether new level of havoc because the outer planet rules death, rebirth, destruction and crises. When in retrograde, Pluto's energies turn inward. In plain English this means that all the stuff Pluto rules will ...
The only other planet that shares this peculiarity with Pluto is Neptune. This means that Pluto travels five times over the degrees of the range that lies between three direct and two retrograde movements, which makes its close conjunction noticeable for a period of almost two years. Please ...
3. Retrograde According to social media, we’re always in retrograde. But what does it really mean? A retrograde refers to the seemingly “backwards” movement of a planet in the sky. While a retrograding planet may seem to be orbiting backwards, it’s an illusion related to Earth’s orb...