2. resulting from heedless action; unintentional. What does placidly mean? :serenely free of interruption or disturbance placid skies aplacid disposition also : complacent sense 1. What does D sacrosanct mean? 1 :most sacred or holy: inviolable. 2 : treated as if holy : immune from criticism ...
What does placidly mean? What is the meaning of 'come what may'? What does agenda mean? What are the future tenses in English? What part of speech is morning? What does the idiom "field day" mean? What part of speech is today?
What does acrimonious relationship mean? What are the prefixes that mean not? What is the meaning of 'here goes nothing'? What does placidly mean? What does apathy mean? What does disregard mean? What does languish mean? What are the bee's knees?
What does maddening mean? 1 :tending to craze. 2a : tending to infuriate. b : tending to vex : irritating. How many lines are there in Desiderata? 'Desiderata' by Max Ehrmann is a simple, yet powerful prose poem that lays out the tenants for living a happy life and keeping peace in...
小鱼在绿茵茵的水藻中怡然自得地游来游去。 Small fish were swimming placidly to and fro in the green water-weed. ān rán shū shì yí rán zì dé 安然舒适,怡然自得 be self-contented with a leisurely and comfortable life tā tīng zhe fēng chuī shù shāo xiǎo niǎo huān chàng ...
He methodically and placidly devoured a loaf of bread. dāng yǒu zuì pàn jué zài bèi xuān dú shí tā bù dòng shēng sè de tīng zhe 当有罪判决在被宣读时,他不动声色地听着。 He listened stoically as the guilty verdict was read out. ...
She would sit placidly in the rocking chair, feeding her baby a bottle as though she hadn’t a care in the world. We would talk until I had to get ready for work. Then I would tell my husband in the evenings, “Well, Cameron called again this morning, and I got to see the baby...
She could not keep in the medium, nor be, as was usual with her, placidly content. Every one remarked her exhilaration of spirits; as all actions appear graceful in the eye of rank, her guests surrounded her applaudingly, although there was a sharpness in her laugh, and an abruptness in...
Skeptics contend that GM crops could pose unique risks to the environment and to health—risks too troubling to accept placidly. Taking that view, many European countries are restricting the planting and importation of GM agricultural products. Much of the debate hinges on perceptions of safety. ...
we are replacing the narrative of our homes with one that has been fed to us through a hazy filter of produced nostalgia without backstory. Just because a piece was affordable, does not mean that it does not have a story that is worth telling, worth hearing, worth preserving. Giving this...