请把桌子放平。 Please put the table flat. dì miàn hěn píng 地面很平。 The ground is flat. yuè qiú biǎo miàn bù shì píng de 月球表面不是平的。 The surface of the moon is not flat. synonym tǎn坦 2 adj.ordinary; usual ...
What does placidly mean? :serenely free of interruption or disturbance placid skies aplacid disposition also : complacent sense 1. What does D sacrosanct mean? 1 :most sacred or holy: inviolable. 2 : treated as if holy : immune from criticism or violation politically sacrosanct programs. Is In...
What are antonyms of placid? What does pugnacious mean? What is a synonym for insincere? What is the antonym of arrogant? What is a synonym for courageous? What is a synonym for submissive? What does recalcitrant mean? What does implacable mean?
What does synonym mean? Explain. What is a synonym for submissive? What is a synonym for procrastination? What is a synonym for clearly? What is a synonym for mellow? What is an active voice verb? When to use passive voice What are antonyms for discreet?
Chapter 1/ Lesson 1 1.8M What is a noun? See the noun definition and learn the different types of nouns, including common nouns and proper nouns. See examples of nouns used in sentences. Explore our homework questions and answers library ...
This is an interesting one. I think a more placid definition might be 'foreign settlement (derog)'. Iciba.net (which I find to have more quantity than quality) defines it as (my bolding) Quote [metropolis infested with foreign adventurists] 指旧时洋人较多的都市,多指上海(含贬义) ...
Remarkable refers to something noteworthy or deserving attention due to its unusual or exceptional qualities, while unremarkable denotes something that does not stand out or is not particularly interesting.
adj.calm; composed; placid; peaceful zhè fān tǎn chéng de tán huà shuō de tā xīn lǐ shí fēn yù 这番坦诚的谈话,说得他心里十分熨。 The sincere discussion put him at ease. 3 adj.comfortable; at ease; well tā shēn shang bù yù ...
What does the word unworried mean? :calm and relaxed: not worried. See the full definition for unworried in the English Language Learners Dictionary. "The Last Samurai" - Soundtrack Suite (Hans Zimmer) HD
ordered If a space is not cleaned or organized in any coherent way, you could say... Learn more about this topic: Antonym | Definition, Types & Examples from Chapter 1/ Lesson 11 390K Learn the antonym definition and see examples of antonyms in a sentence and antonym words. Also learn ...