In astrology, each zodiac exists on an axis in partnership with itsopposite sign. Although seemingly in opposition, these signs are partners. They need the other to become fully engaged with life. When we find ourselves in an unsupportive and imbalanced expression of one zodiac sign, we can lo...
Sun Enters Pisces Our finalsign of the zodiac, Pisces takes us into the closure of a cycle and helps us meet ourselves through reflecting and integrating, releasing and dreaming, surrendering and healing. Pisces is about intuition, imagination, compassion, and art. It is a season asking for su...
Those who have Libra as their zodiac love sign typically have lots of friends and plenty of romantic opportunities. It's highly likely that you love the idea of being in love, which comes with both benefits and disadvantages. On the plus side, you're willing to give most people a chance ...
Some people might look at Melissa’s reading and wonder, “Isn’t it conflicting for her to have a double Taurus, a groundedEarth sign, mixed with super sensitive Water sign Pisces?” It might seem that way, but actually, having seemingly opposite signs in your chart can help you balance ...
What is your Zodiac sign? A. Cancer B. Capricorn C. Pisces D. None of the above Rate this question: 9. What is your ideal holiday destination? A. Mountains B. Beaches C. Any popular resort with beautiful pool D. Any popular city Rate this question: 10. What is yo...
“Full Moon” in Pisces: Does It Matter? Wondering if the phase of the moon the day you were born impacts your Moon sign? So for instance, can you have a “full moon” in Pisces? The answer to that question is no. The phase of the moon (full, waxing, waning) isn’t really impo...
Pisces (February 19-March 20) Pisces is the final of the twelve zodiac signs and is represented by the constellation, the fishes. If born under this sign, you're considered to be intuitive, creative and empathetic. Pisces are known for their compassion and artistic nature, but they can have...
Discover what the 12 Zodiac Signs really mean! Select your star sign from the navigation menu at the top, or scroll up to see which Zodiac Sign each planet falls into today. If you are looking looking for the dates the zodiac signs, there is a table half up the page. ...
Mutable Signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces): These signs bring the end of the season, which means they exert their energy into completing tasks. They also take on the sentiments of others, since they are flexible. What does my signature sign mean?
They’re tied with Aquarius overall when it comes to dangerous driving, but that doesn’t mean things always go swimmingly for them. Deeply creative and flighty, Pisces will often find themselves unable to function in real life. The world is not your canvas, Pisces!