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You may find you do some of these things already. Good luck troubleshooting (no pun intended, as this would be cruel). Byanon325018— On Mar 13, 2013 I don't know what gel is like to you, but I had a half inch spaghetti noodle come out with my semen. It's rubbery and sticky....
Pineapple and yogurt will help do the same thing. By cloudel — On Apr 14, 2012 I've been having this pinkish-brown discharge lately, and I'm worried that something might be wrong. I've never seen this before, but it sounds like the discharge mentioned in the article. I've ...
kill intestinal worms, check urinary infections, is a tonic for senior citizens & sick people, cure malnourishment, treat kidney & urethral stones and eliminate poisons”. Another “increases semen, promotes digestion, and is a “proven pitta-pacifier” with a pranaropana-...