Non-detect is short for non-detection, or not detected. This phrase is used to indicate that the laboratory tested for a contaminant, but it was not detected above the detection limit. A non-detect does not mean that the contaminant concentration is zero–but rather that, given laboratory me...
If proved true, the wet nurse's unsolicited testimony would mean that the married couple were related to each other through milk kinship; a type of kinship that bars marriage in Islam. Although the husband insisted that the wet nurse must be lying, it was reported that the Prophet of Islam...
What Did This Past Year Mean to Warrenville?
What Does W/ Mean over Text or Online? Signs That Someone Has "Golden Retriever Energy" What Does “Awww” Mean? Definition, Responses & More What Does SS Mean? Snapchat, Texting, and More Funny Ways to Say Hello: 45 Cool and Creative Options What Does "Hear Me Out" Mean? Plu...