Expulsion refers to the removal or banning of a student from a school system or university due to persistent violation of that institution's rules, or in extreme cases, for a single offense of marked severity. Laws and procedures regarding expulsion vary between countries and states. What does ...
But don't be alarmed. You probably have never heard the TRUTH about what "hell" really is — and where most ideas on the subject came from. Just what does the Bible teach about "hell"? MILLIONS are in confusion about "hell." What is it? Where is it? Who really goes there? And w...
Chapter 1. geography, people and language. Think and talk. Do you know the full name of Britain? Do you know the geographical features of this country? Do you know its major cities, London, Ed…
While it’s good to be thoughtful, it’s harmful to your well-being to overthink about something. God can help you manage your thoughts well, and also give you thepeaceyou need in any circumstance. What does the Bible say about overthinking? Learning that can help you overcome overthi...
gad1. / (ɡæd) / verb gads, gadding or gadded. (intr; often foll by about or around)to go out in search of pleasure, esp in an aimless manner; gallivant. What does gadding mean in the Bible? interj. Used to express surprise or dismay. [Alteration of God.] ...
I’m either insanely persistent, completely crazy, or everything in between, because today I went back to the drawing board to analyse my memoir. You remember that book I’ve been talking about for the past six years? The one I’ve written five times already? Yeah, that one. It’s ba...
It is seen as an essential aspect of living a faithful and obedient life. InRomans 12, it is essential to be quick or fervent in patience. But most importantly, to take the time and effort to pray. “Rejoice in hope; be patient in affliction; be persistent in prayer” (Romans 12:12...
To hear a shocking sound from a blue jay or if this bangs on your window means you must communicate better. What does it mean to see a blue jay flying in the sky? There are a number of spiritual messages when seeing a blue jay. All birds carry secret spiritual messages. We often ove...
difficult-to-deal-with question. It was very simply this… “If following Jesus is a worthwhile pursuit, why am I not doing more to demonstrate that to people who do not believe?” I wasn’t consumed by it… at first. It didn’t keep me awake nights… at first. It was persistent....
the time span. But one persistent trend you see over time is the higher rate of suicide for men who are in the 55-65 age range compared to other men in most other age ranges. Facing retirement means the end of "action" and, therefore, identity. Losing that identity is a fate worse ...