What does MPO mean? MPO is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the MPO definition is given. Other terms relating to 'personal': ·121 MESSAGESOne-Two-One as in having a(One To One) personal conversation ...
So now you know - WOG means "Offensive term for a black person" or "A foreigner" - don't thank us.YW!What does WOG mean? WOG is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the WOG definition is given. ·CHINKOffensive term for an Asian or Chinese person ·...
"Public Display Of Affection" is also abbreviated as PDA. Image for PDOAWhen I write PDOA, I mean this:Sometimes, no-one minds a PDOA.Summary of Key Points We have summarized the key points in the table below: PDOA Definition: Public Display Of Affection Type: Abbreviation Guessability:...
So now you know - BADASS means "Cool, confident person" - don't thank us.YW!What does BADASS mean? BADASS is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the BADASS definition is given.
For example, if your gf ends a text to you with, "Can't wait to see you! X," she obviously intends it to be romantic. However, if your friend ends an email with it, they probably just mean it in a friendly way. ExampleGoodnight...
What does WIGGER mean? WIGGER is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word which means “White person pretending to be black”. It is used during chats and online conversations on forums, social networking sites and chat rooms. The Meaning of WIGGER ...
None of these conflict with the boomer meaning ofzoomer, however, in the way that the Gen Z meaning does. So what does it all mean for the English language, and for the particular word itself? Only time will tell if either generational use ofzoomerbecomes fully established. But perhaps if...
Title VII does not just prohibit discrimination against members of minority groups. It also protects groups that typically experience lower levels of discrimination (like men and Caucasians). Programs or systems that mean to correct past mistreatment of historically disadvantaged groups might actually end...
The predecessor of the smartphone was a handheld device called the Apple Newton. The device—which earned the first use of the term "personal digital assistant," or PDA—had ashockingly high (at the time) memory of 2MB. CEO Steve Jobs pulled the line in 1997. ...
The predecessor of the smartphone was a handheld device called the Apple Newton. The device—which earned the first use of the term "personal digital assistant," or PDA—had ashockingly high (at the time) memory of 2MB. CEO Steve Jobs pulled the line in 1997. ...