But what exactly does it mean to have a data culture? Why are companies so keen on building one? The answer lies in the incredible possibilities it unlocks, from boosting revenue and improving customer service to sparking innovation and everything in between. A robust data culture is the bedro...
What does effusiveness mean? 1 : marked by the expression of great or excessive emotion or enthusiasm effusive praise. What is female duplicity? duplicity, which I call "female double-discourse," is a universal. female genderlect, spoken by "coquettes," "domestic models," and. "paragons of ...
One swallow does not a summer make, but with apologies to Aristotle, Cervantes, and suchlike paragons of the Western Literary Tradition, a dozen hirundines in a row may at least suggest a warming trend.Earlier this week I remarked that all of this week’s grants came from among the ranks...
Delving deeper into the orchestration of digital messages, the impact reverberates across both sides of the conversation. Agents, armed with the ability to adroitly manage multiple conversations concurrently, become paragons of efficiency and productivity. This multi-faceted interaction management yields man...
Since we got paragons, does that mean we will never get t6s or a fourth path? It’s pretty unlikely at this stage! What is the fastest recorded speed of a bloon? So fast you never see it coming I would like to know the names for Bloonarius and Lych since Vortex is the speedy boi...
acts as a beast. Humanity is in the middle. There’s an egalitarianism here which flies in the face of common sense, because we all know, as do the villagers in the film, that some of us are “better men” than the rest. Does it mean that some men are more ordinary than the othe...
You say that Psi, Adora, Churchill and Sauda are bilingual/trilingual monkeys. Does this mean Etienne isn't? English, French, Alien. You do the math. Parties in Bloons Pop! are a fun addition! It seems pretty similar to the Contested Territory sneak peak from Btd6 so can we the communi...
Conventional, of course. Another:conceit. Yep, conservatives are paragons of feeling superior... which leads directly tocondescendingattitude those they are certain they are superior to.Concreteandcongealedwell describe the conservative mindset,contradictoryperhaps even more often. Consider how the prefix...
David You must mean the Berkeley paper:Climate ChangePlus Human Pressure Caused Large Mammal Extinctions In LatePleistoceneScienceDaily (Oct. 4, 2004) — Berkeley - A University of California, Berkeley, paleobiologist and his colleagues warn that the future of the Earth's mammals could be as dir...
Bounded accuracy and other mechanics mean that even high-level characters can still be threatened by lower-level challenges, particularly if the latter have a numerical advantage. 20th-level 5e characters are not the “one-man army, about to start on a path to immortality” paragons that 2...