Open source intelligence, like OTX (Open Threat eXchange), can provide a large amount of peer reviewed information that will be helpful to many organizations. There are the occasional false positives, but even then, smaller organizations will not be too overwhelmed. They can be great sources of...
With morphine, for example, there is an increase in the mean peak concentration and the area under the concentration-time curve for both active and principle metabolites which could further worsen respiratory depression. In the setting of methodone use, an electrocardiogram should be done early to...
Male swimming crabs (mean carapace width: 100.36 ± 7.23 mm, N = 90) were collected from an aquaculture facility in Jiaozhou, Shandong Province. The swimming crabs were housed individually in a glass aquarium (45 × 30 × 30 cm) for two weeks prior to the start of the experiment. During...
For all of the structures, the X-ray structure was in excellent agreement with results reported in the literature with mean differences in bond lengths of 0.002, 0.044 and 0.001 Å for (1), (2) and (3), respectively. Similarly, the mean differences in angles were 0.086, 0.039 and 0....
The combination of irx3, barhl2 and otx2 (both also encoding homeodomain transcription factors) endows ZLI cells with the competence to express shh. In contrast, irx1/2/3/barhl2/otx2-expressing cells in the presumptive thalamus lack this competence, suggesting that an 'IRX code' regulates a...
If three or more treatment levels were used, the mean difference between treatments was used (e.g., for treatments 10, 15 and 20 ◦C, we entered the value 5 ◦C). 2.2. Estimating Thermal Challenge For experimental studies, we estimated harshness of the thermal challenge by dividing the...