In this paper we use an example of when students appear not to have learnt from their experience to examine some of the 'orthodoxies' of experiential education. This frames a discussion exploring how it is possible for a teacher to declare that students have got it 'wrong' in relation to ...
What types of businesses cannot be a S corporation? What is a business structure? What is an industry? What is the communications industry? What is a dividend categorized as? What does it mean to drive an industry in business? What is the tax classification for Uber?
What are some of the more common industry orthodoxies? What is paper trading? What is a publishing company? What industries rely heavily on business intelligence? What is trade finance? An industry consists of six firms with annual sales of $300, $500, $400, $700, $600, and $600 respec...
What does the word “Gospel” actually mean? Here is one dictionary’s definition: “The word gospel comes from the Old English word god meaning ‘good’ and spel meaning ‘news, a story.’ In Christianity, the term ‘good news’ refers to the story of Jesus Christ’s birth, death, ...
“many mathematical or philosophical concepts have no obvious tie to phenomenal concepts,” which may be true, but does not mean that those concepts are not ultimately derived from an irreducibly phenomenal consciousness. Imagining that they could be generated by the physical world is the result ...
for things that they may have said that are out of tune with prevailing orthodoxies. I mean, there are heartbreaking stories out there. And I can’t imagine something we should be taking more seriously than making sure that our students have the ability to be intellectually risky, to ex...
Orthodoxies are deeply held beliefs about how things are done that often go unstated and unquestioned, leading to organizational blind spots over time. To adapt to a rapidly changing world, funders often need to examine and challenge their orthodoxies in order to “flip” or change the ones...
There is hardly anything we may not have to cut loose from before the hard problem is through with us.” Indeed, this seems almost certain, given how inadequate we already know our scientific orthodoxies to be at accounting for the truths of consciousness. Just as rethinking the nature of ...
But he does not have a vision or an agenda of his own. The purpose, and the essence, of all his works is to call men’s minds back to the ancient truths of the Church.36 Further proof of this, indeed the best proof of this, is offered by the Ninety-Five Theses. Luther did not...
I hope that this year we finally start to challenge a range of orthodoxies that have crippled architecture by portraying humanity as a harmful rather than a creative force: Resilience Thankfully, the word sustainability is fading but is being replaced by the ‘resilience’. At least sustainabilit...