Oligarch (n.) A member of an oligarchy; one of the rulers in an oligarchical government. Oligarchal (a.) Oligarchic. Oligarchic (a.) Alt. of Oligarchical Oligarchical (a.) Of or pertaining to oligarchy, or government by a few. Oligarchist (n.) An advocate or supporter of oligarchy....
The China Ceramics profession will appear by the profession and the region brand makes great strides forward to the popular brand, but in 2011 will become the brand construction an inflection point, this also will be one kind of omen which the profession oligarch Oligopoly time will approach.[tr...
is that foreign intervention is a small detail in the midst of the massive historical movement that the Arab revolution represents, which neither the reactionary oil oligarchies nor Western imperialism will be able to co-opt no matter how hard they try. The...
what they do for work, or what culture they come from. If civic participation is limited to a certain class or race, the system becomes anoligarchyinstead. (In oligarchies, a small group of unelected people hold all the governing power.) When everyone has...
as Defense Secretary Mattis, Vice President Pence and Homeland Security Secretary Kelly told world leaders at the Munich Security Conference last month that the U.S. solidly supports its commitments. But all the corridor talk was about whether the president would say the same thing — and mean ...
“stop the sanctions” rabbit out of his hat, saying that it does not weaken the “legitimate leader of Syria, who has won the war” (in what a normal human being might see at best as nothing more than a Phyrric victory) but at the same time claims that it is desirable to do so...
But we are not here concerned with the nature and existence of the aristocracy, but with the origin of its peculiar power, why is it the last of the true oligarchies of Europe; and why does there seem no very immediate prospect of our seeing the end of it? The explanation is simple ...
Beware, all the “Oligarch” talk is just “the lipstick on the pig” covering up who and what they really are…Gangs. I viewed not just Trump holding the LGBT flag (with stupid, smug grin), but scrolled further to see photos of a young Trump with his mentor Roy Cohn. Cohn was a...
8. In this way, we can be good citizens to make our community a better, safer and happier place to live. Sentence Context For each sentence above, there are three tasks. Finish all the three tasks before going to the next sentence. ...
It turns normal people of normal intelligence and common sense, into ideologically blind useful idiots, to do the work for the oligarch hierarchy powers that be in the Socialist Marxist elite ranks.They cannot see what they are themselves voluntarily doing- the actively participate in the demise ...