NWW: Al, who has what market share? Gillen: VMware is number one, Xen is second, Microsoft’s Hyper-V is third. NWW: How much of a lead does VMware have? Gillen: Depending on how you measure it, VMware has a little more than half of the market. NWW: How hard will it be for...
What Does the Ocular Hypertension Treatment Study Mean to Practicing Optometric Physicians?Relates the significance of the Ocular Hypertension Treatment Study to the practice of optometric physicians on cases of glaucoma. Protection of the optic nerve with the reduction of intraocular pressure; Clinical ...
The article presents information on various green certification programs of the U.S. Products with the Green Good Housekeeping Seal are evaluated not just for their effectiveness, but also for their environmental impact. The Energy Star program sets a standard for energy-efficient products. Carpet ...
For example, a nine-year long monitoring program of urban storm water runoff in Vilnius, Lithuania, has revealed that the mean values of suspended solids (SS) and total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) are most likely to exceed the permissible limits [17]. The results from an investigation of ...