How to Fix java.sql.BatchUpdateException: Error co... How to Fix SQLServerException: The index is out of... How to deal with java.lang.NullPointerExceptionin ... How to solve java.sql.BatchUpdateException: String... How to deal with Unsupported major.minor version 5... How to Fix jav...
What does java lang runtimeexception null mean? When you see an error message likejava.lang.RuntimeException: null, it generally means that a RuntimeException was thrown, and the message associated with the exception is null. In other words, no specific error message was provided when the ex...
DNSsnapin missing in MMC Do Windows Services cease to run once you've logged off the username. Documentation that explains the output of w32tm command. Does KMS Activation have any limit ? Does sysinfo.exe work with Windows Server 2000? Does the "Authenticated Users" group contain computer...
Microsoft C++ exception: long at memory location - What does this mean? fopen gives error if filename is more than 249 characters in windows2k3 32bit. fopen returns NULL for existing file fopen with string format std::wstring fscanf - reading "comma seperted file" Full working example to ...
I use Java but it would be almost the same in every OOP language. Circle and ColoredCircle Geometrical examples seem pretty popular here. class Circle { private int radius; public Circle(int radius) { if (radius < 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Radius should be >= 0"); } this....
There are many Java classes that have the parse() method. Usually the parse() method receives some string as input,"extracts" the necessary information from it and converts it into an object of the calling class. What does parsing in the string mean?
I get a lot of compiler warnings related to xutility. I believe these are security warnings and I intend to 'fix' them by disabling the warning by inserting a pragma in my source code file that includes xutility.However, it is not obvious to me which file is including xutility. Here is...
What does it mean? When selling a machine with proprietary software that links against an LGPLv3 library, do I need to give the customer root access? Why not build smaller Ringworlds? "Though Fancy's casket were unlock'd to choose" in John Keats's "Lamia" It was the seco...
I've hit the following exception in every build from early in the last EAP until the current (3526).ava.lang.NullPointerExceptionat com.intellij.codeInsight.daemon.impl.GeneralHighlightingPass$ com.intellij.psi.impl.PsiManagerImpl.performActionWithFormatter...
Let’s understand a sample program utilizing BlockingDeque. We will write the exact same code that gave usExceptionin deque and check what happens. BlockingDeque code Example importjava.util.ArrayDeque; importjava.util.Deque; importjava.util.LinkedList; ...