Android has no UI to change the NTP server but I think changing it via adb should be possible. You can get the configured NTP server using this command (tested on Android 13 & 14): adb shell cmd network_time_update_service dump It outputs something like: mPollingIntervalMs=PT18H mPoll...
What Does Network Time Protocol Mean? Network Time Protocol (NTP) is a TCP/IP protocol used to synchronize computer clocks across data networks. NTP was developed in the 1980s by D.L. Mills at the University of Delaware to achieve highly accurate time synchronization and to sustain the ...
so you mean is now i need to add DNS settings for my servers? Best Regards, Dennis 0 Helpful Reply yusuf habibi Level 1 In response to Ek Siong Chew 09-09-2014 02:47 AM if there no DNS for all system, make sure the name server as publisher in the CUCM web-gui is IP...
mean in the output of show ntp associations? If it DOES mean that the router has begun "stepping" the polling towards 1024, then why was the polling interval still 64 in the above example? If the word .STEP. refers to an update received with an "offset less than the panic threshold, ...
mean in the output of show ntp associations? If it DOES mean that the router has begun "stepping" the polling towards 1024, then why was the polling interval still 64 in the above example? If the word .STEP. refers to an update received with an "offset less than the panic threshold, ...
Task scheduler trigger: "At system startup" - what does it actually mean? TASK SCHEDULER: scheduler status is being “RUNNING” always Tasklist ERROR: Not Found TCP download speed over high latency connections is poor (compared to Linux) telnet output save it to file or any other alternati...
What does it all mean? please wait for the system Event Notification service Pointer device errors pop up notification for specific users of domain Port forward computers connected to another via Windows Internet Sharing Port listener works localhost and but not IP port mapper service in...
What Does it Really Mean and How Does it Work? By Greg Thompson Chief Video Architect, Cisco Systems VCNBU, +1-408-525-7711 January 17, 2008, 1-2 PM EST Copyright ⓒ 2008 Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers. All rights reserved. 1 2 ...
Can someone explain this - get-aduser displays passwordneverexpires as false ( this mean the password expires) Can we add a filter with compress-Archive comdlet Can we login & logout from powershell ? Can we run PowerShell 7 in PS ISE? Can we show the nested objects in Powershell? Ca...
Re: What is the sync interval time in NTP Shalom,ntp does not do instant time correction. It can't.If your system was running fast and ntp rolled the time back, a database program like Oracle would immediately crash. I've done it, not pretty.ntp makes adjustments ov...