Did you know that there are three Greek root words used in Scripture for the concept of discernment? Each word offers a unique aspect of how discernment functions spiritually and practically. The first word is “anakrino,” which refers to spiritual discernment—the ability to carefully examine ...
Similarly, there are those in 1 Corinthians 11 whom Paul says have died because they took the Lord’s Supper in an unworthy manner. Blatant sin against God is a serious offense. It does not mean that we lose our salvation, but we might lose our physical life. To preserve our life, rep...
“Therefore Come out from among them and be separate, says The LORD. Do not touch what is unclean, and I will receive you.”2 Corinthians 6:17 “Separate….. What does it mean to be separate, and inside My Circle? It means: Complete obedience to My Teachings…. Not to act like the...
So, when the Bible uses the word faith, what does it mean? The Bible's closest to offering an exact definition is Hebrews 11:1:“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” From this particular passage, we see that the central feature of ...
Your story is exactly the same. What does that mean? It means that each of us matter. A lot. I matter to you. You matter to me. That just leaves one question: How will we matter to each other? Because we are here in this room together, our lives have become linked. What will ...
It does not necessarily mean a reconnection or reconciliation but then again, it could mean just that. During Venus Retrograde those who are already coupled up may suddenly become too busy for the relationship as they have better things to do with their time. Those who are single will learn...
What does Mercury retrograde mean spiritually? You Need To Listen To Your Inner Voice During This Mercury Retrograde. ... While “retrograde” can sound like a pretty intimidating word, it essentially means that Mercury is slowing down, and appearing to go backward from your viewpoint here on ...
Most people do not realize the nuance of the term JDM. Hence, people ask questions such as “What does JDM stand for?” or “What does JDM mean?” Simply put, the term JDM isn’t confined to just Japanese cars, or even parts, for that matter. ...
But this does not mean we are failures. It only means that we are still moving, still growing, still striving to be better than we are. It means that we are in the middle. While the middle letter of the Torah is said to be in the word gahon, there are those that say that the ...
I mean, it’s almost too easy. The idea that there is some racially pure music out there is just ridiculous, and the idea that it would be somehow more real (what does that even mean?) or automatically better than any of the countless hybrids we have is just kind of stupid. High...