I tell co-workers I am going back home they cant relate. Your web site has eased the pain of being so far away from Greece and not being able to live daily life in their. I read a portions of your site every day...the portion on the history of Greece has been amazing and I tha...
What does he mean by manner/language/dialect? Does it mean it mean Hebrew? Does it mean Aramaic (which was the “dialect” spoken by the ‘Hebrews’ which are the Jews)? Does it just mean it was written in their style? Does it mean it just has Semitisms? These questions have a pot...
What does the word “Gospel” actually mean? Here is one dictionary’s definition: “The word gospel comes from the Old English word god meaning ‘good’ and spel meaning ‘news, a story.’ In Christianity, the term ‘good news’ refers to the story of Jesus Christ’s birth, death, ...
Clearly my dear husband was referencing our eight year friendship prior to me finally realizing that what I needed and what I wanted in a partner was right under my nose and he had been there for eight years. A couple of weeks ago, I was talking to an acquaintance. She has been divorce...
I've also found similar services with that problem. 51335 is the number attached to mine, and i'm fairly certain that it's referencing the messaging app I removed from the system.Wednesday, October 19, 2016 10:26 PMI don't know what to say. it was about 2 wee...
In Section 4 we discuss in detail how we see some of the research challenges being addressed by one of the applicable Systems Thinking approaches. Table 5. Cross referencing the main IoT multi-disciplinary Research Challenges to which the various Systems Thinking Approaches may make an important ...
I have multiple lipomas and it does run in my family. I got my first one on my forearm when I was 13. That was the only one for several years, then around the age of 17, I had several more pop up on my back and arms. I now have so many I can't even count. I lose track...
Clicking link in MS Word 2010 receives error "This operation has been canceled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. Please contact your system administrator" ClickOnce application does not start from from desktop shortcut but start from a command line ClickOnce Application installation Cli...