what does it mean “nbm”@whosthatgirlll Скореевсего, онихотелинаписать "nvm" (nvm=never mind), носделалиопечаткуинажали "b" вместо "v".的定义
·NBMNil By Mouth Not Before Midnight ·PMIGBOMPut Mind In Gear, Before Opening Mouth! ·QAQteary eyes with mouth open ·SYMShut Your Mouth So You Mad? ·WMMOWSWash My Mouth Out With Soap! ·WYMWatch Your Mouth What You Mean?
While the main benefit in using quantitative T1 and T2(*)mapping—compared to multi-contrast T1w and T2(*)w imaging—is to improve reproducibility and facilitate longitudinal monitoring of changes in plaque composition, it still does not allow for direct assessment of the relative contribution of ...