What does it mean when someone is muddled? to mix up in a confused or bungling manner;jumble. to cause to become mentally confused. to cause to become confused or stupid with or as if with an intoxicating drink. What is an example of muddle?
But while “qualia” can be taken from its Latin roots to mean “what kind” (fitting my categorizing conclusion treatment a few posts back) and “phenomenal consciousness” as apparent consciousness, it’s not clear what “like something” can mean. It seems to express a similarity to an u...
← Previous - muddle up mud duck mud fart - Next →Definition of mud duckmud ducknoun an unattractive person. Bremerton's the city right outside of mind.Most girls there are ducks but a few are fine. But the ones that I speak about, use their face for catching trout, vacuum cleaners...
work in a rush and get into a muddle wǒ de gōng zuò hěn máng luàn 我的工作很忙乱。 My work is in a muddle. suí zhe qī xiàn lín jìn shì qing gèng máng luàn le 随着期限临近,事情更忙乱了。 Things began to get more frantic as the deadline loomed. ...
“When someone tells me ‘no,’ it doesn’t mean I can’t do it, it simply means I can’t do it with them.”Karen E. Quinones Miller All About Confident Personality Types Assertive or Turbulent Identities don’t define a personality type as the eight core traits (Introverted vs. ...
Assertive people may be more likely to feel a sense of certainty when going after the things they desire. But that doesn’t mean they all become bent out of shape when they don’t get it. In fact, according to our research, Assertive personalities are much less likely than Turbulent perso...
mess, difficulty, plight, quandary, muddle, mare’s nest;informalhole, fix, jam, pickle, scrape, bind, tight spot/corner, dilemma, can of worms. In one of the thesauri I checked with,catch-22was listed. The definitions forcatch-22come close, but don’t capture the need to make a ch...
make do manage, cope, improvise, muddle through, get along or by, scrape along or by It's not going to be easy but I can make do. make for something 1. head for, aim for, head towards, set out for, be bound for, make a beeline for, steer (a course) for, proceed towards He...
瞒心昧己 mán xīn mèi jǐ 瞒心昧己 Chinese dictionary Show pinyin sldo evil against one's conscience; deceive and muddle oneself mí xìn yǐ shǐ tā men mán xīn mèi jǐ 迷信已使他们瞒心昧己。 Superstitions have deceived and muddled themselves....
resumes for every employee "hired and licensed by the tribe."The new regulations properly limit this requirement to the members of the tribal regulatory body. This clarification saves tribes and NIGC a huge amount of paperwork, but it does not exempt tribes from notifyingby Dennis J. Whittlesey...