What Does MOA Mean? June 7, 2021 As you perfect your aim, you might hear shooting instructors and your buddies refer to something called an MOA. Generally speaking, an MOA is your solution to an accurate target hit. But exactly what does MOA mean and how do you find yours? In this ...
Once youunderstand how MOA worksand know what each click on your scope equals in MOA, it should be relatively easy to zero your scope. You should remove any variables that could affect the accuracy of your shots. Ideally, you will be shooting from a bench, and your rifle will be settled...
The rule is 1 MOA or 1 minute is equal to 1 inch at 100 yards. 1 inch is an approximate as 1 MOA is exactly 1.047 inches. But, for most hunting and shooting applications within an appropriate range, it's acceptable to round to 1 inch. What does this mean? It means when you make...
Manufacturers outside of the U.S. also find it easier to industrialize down to offering only mil scopes whether it’s part of their business plan or whether it’s just an easier manufacturing decision to perfect one design. Does this mean mils is better than MOA? No, since there’s no ...
“stop the sanctions” rabbit out of his hat, saying that it does not weaken the “legitimate leader of Syria, who has won the war” (in what a normal human being might see at best as nothing more than a Phyrric victory) but at the same time claims that it is desirable to do so...
Both types ofscope reticlesperform well in the hands of someone who understands the basics. MOA measurements are the most popular in the US, but that doesn’t hold elsewhere. In many countries where shooting sports are popular, MIL dot reticles find favor. I think this is due to the diff...
It’s pretty clear that the best precision rifle shooters in the country put their money on the 6mm Dasher when it comes to long-range shooting. How Much Does Cartridge Matter? As long-range shooters, we tend to obsess over every little detail. This post uses Applied Ballistic’s Weapon ...
EOS Ras examples—so they will send a signal straight through an HDMI output that is 10-bit, which can then be captured by external devices, such as theAtomos Ninja V. Now the questions become whether this extra cost and weight is worth it for your shoot. On vacation a...
Bartlet had while living in New Hampshire; he talks with Bartlet about Bartlet's dilemma of letting a convicted killer be put to death, or commuting the sentence. The episode does not end one way or the other; rather, it ends with Bartlet giving a confession t...
In better times, the Chachalaca does the cha-cha like this. These two specimens blew my mind. On the left is a normal Tetrao tetrix (Black Grouse); on the right is one hybridized with another (unknown) species. In the picture above, what amazed me first was the very unusual flattened ...