Parents who lost very young children often feel like they arealonein the loss. They feel as if they are the only ones who remember their children’s birthdays and other milestones. Showing them that they are not alone in their memories by acknowledging those dates and the lost child can hel...
He said: "Previously, people running hospitals would plan their elective operations around different times of the year, knowing that there may be fewer beds available during peak flu season in the winter, for example. "[The milestones] become 'P45 targets' - you work o...
It can be helpful to write out a list of questions to discuss on a “money date” so you have an idea of where you both stand on marriage milestones that require financial decisions. Keep in mind the answers to these questions may change after you’re married, so keep the list handy ...
Some parents fall foul of assuming that most of our children's developmental milestones come in the first year, and therefore baby sleep regressions are much more common than toddler sleep regressions. Experts agree that our development is fastest it will ever be during the first three years of ...
There are all the schedules and plans and account numbers and passwords and meetings and aspirations and metrics and milestones and accomplishments. There is all the work of creating a life. It’s easy to feel that the substance of your life is that which you cultivate. But there is another...
There is room for joy, even in the midst of grief. I’m willing to bet you’ve spent a lot of time celebrating the baby-related milestones of friends and family members. When we’re childless, a lot of our big moments pass by, unrecognized. Our milestones deserve to be seen and ...
The “zero” in zero-based budgeting tends to worry people. Read now:Here are the best budgeting methods to try However, it does not mean that your bank account balance equals zero. Instead, it simply means you must consider the money you save andinvestas “expenses” and subtract them fr...
etc. — the usual parent talk. Every child is different so I tried hard not to fall into the trap of comparing milestones and development – I learned early on that this just doesn’t serve anyone well. Instead, I found myself observing the parenting tactics of my friends in the hopes ...
What does PhD study involve? Individual research The main element of doing a PhD is individual research. While your supervisor might help point you in the right direction, it is up to you to do the work and interpret your findings. As the progress of a PhD will be almost entirely on you...
Some years, on Simchat Torah, we’ve stood in a circle so we could unroll the scroll and see the story of our people in its entirety. I always try to point out some of major milestones, and the parts that are written in a visually interesting way. I always tell the person standing...