The Doomsday Clock is now 100 seconds to midnight. That means life as we know it is on the brink of disaster, according to nuclear scientists.
The Doomsday clock remained set at 90 seconds to midnight in its newest update Tuesday morning — the latest iteration of a decades-old international symbol meant to illustrate how close humanity is to reaching "global catastrophe" as of January 2024. This year's figurative clock reading was ...
So all I’m asking is that given the world is in such a shitty statethat the Doomsday Clock sits at 2 minutes to midnight– the closest it’s ever been to midnight – maybe now’s the time to consider having the party on another day, one that makes us all feel good about Australia...
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Finally,runs down the hill, shirt open and sweaty. It’s midnight, and Dad holdsup so he can see all the fireworks. The narrator wonders if the crisis has already happened, and Dad explains that the chaos will take a few hours to set in. As Dad puts him down, the narrator asks why...