MERMean Explicit Rate MERMobile Edge Router MERMobile Equipment Event Reporting MERModule Error MERMinimum Error Rate MERManagement Economie en Recht(Dutch) MERMinistry of Education and Research MERMarketing and External Relations(various locations) ...
MERDC MERDF MERDI MERE MERECP MEREP MERES MERET MERETI MERF MERFA MERFS MERG ▼ Complete English Grammar Rules is now available in paperback and eBook formats. Make it yours today! Advertisement. Bad banner? Pleaselet us knowRemove Ads...
What does Nora mean? Nora▲as a girls' name is pronouncedNOR-ah. It is of English, Greek and Latin origin, and the meaning of Nora is "light; woman of honor". Short formEleanora(Greek) "light",Honora(Latin) "woman of honor", andLeonora. Also used as an independent name. In ...
I had a doubt because I sometimes see kitni followed by ke, as in "कितने के हैं ?". Does "ke" have a different meaning here? pcolag 2016年11月9日 英语(美国) 法语(加拿大) I understand "कितने के हैं ?" to mean "How much ar...
I mean it this time. For real! Okay, fine, I’m going to TRY to update team performance each month. With that, please stop laughing at my attempts to hold myself to a schedule and let’s get started. Montana Grizzlies–7 W – 2 D – 2 L; GF: 19/GA: 8 ...
(carafe). This does not mean the owner of the restaurant or anyone he knows made this wine in his village for his family and a few thousand tourists. It may even come in a box with a spicket. But it can be just as good as the stuff in the bottle and will be a lot cheaper. ...
What is the reason for 'older' not being used in the context I've given? Is it some outdated, old-fashioned usage which does not fit the norms of English usage today? Or is there some proper grammatical explanation for it? When you make a commitment, you create hope. When you...
MMMoving Mean(statistics) MMMystery Man MMMagister Militum(Latin: Military Instructor, epigraphy) MMMagic Missile(Dungons & Dragons) MMMedia Molecule(game maker) MMMickey Mantle MMMuchMusic(TV channel) MMMaster of Management(degree) MMMiva Merchant(ecommerce) ...
MCDMean Corrective Downtime MCDMain Contractor's Discount(construction) MCDMission Change Data MCDMinimum Chargeable Duration MCDMechanical Completion Date MCDMarine Corps Combat Diver Course MCDMonthly Cost Determination MCDMessage Composition Device
The number of generalized epilepsy patients in our cohort was low, so overall there was no significant difference in mean MEQ scores or the proportion of evening types between the overall epilepsy cohort and age- and sex-matched controls. The fact that they only used TLE patients in the focal...