What is the meaning of menarche in English? Menarche:The time in a girl's life when menstruation first begins. During the menarche period, menstruation may be irregular and unpredictable. Also known as female puberty. What is menarche menopause? Menopause. Menarche isthe beginning of the menstrua...
What does fertile mean in medical terms? Fertile means able to produce offspring under natural conditions. It is measured by the actual number of offspring born to a woman.What Is Fecundity? The field of reproductive medicine is a growing sector of health science and contains a myriad of scien...
ObjectivesAge at menarche is one of the most important factors when observing growth and development. The aim of this study was to assess the temporal pattern in variability of menarcheal age for a historic Swiss population from the 19th and 20th centuries....
In everyday English, sublime might mean ‘really wonderful’ butin literature it refers to work which provokes terror and painin the audience. Terror and pain are the two emotions considered most powerful. Unlike the terror and pain of the real world, however,when experienced via story the au...
BRCA-gene mutation or single nucleotide variant information are incorporated into traditional risk-prediction algorithms based on age, age at menarche, height, weight, parity, menopausal status, use of HRT and family history information to inform the relevant screening interval as part of a risk-base...
In some patients with UF, hysterectomy is difficult to exclude—for example, when there is suspicion of malignancy; when medical management fails; when fibroids are large (increasing uterus size to ≥20-week-size uterus); or when fibroids lead to organ damage/insult (e.g., ureteral ...